Look who is standing on his own! Arshaan has a long way to go and yesterday he worked hard in PT. His hips and his knees are really tight and after walking on bent up legs for so long, all his muscles are getting a real work out!
Jansen's is like working with putty! You put weight on the bones in the wrong direction, and it will bend causing more pain and discomfort.
What some people take for granted, this guy works tirelessly towards. Every setback brings him down tenfold and he has to claw his way up with more resilience than before.
It is so hard to watch and so hard to find words for.
To stand unassisted with "manageable pain" is a goal he has worked for all year!
And eventhough he stood for only a few mins before collapsing into our arms, it gave him hope for all that is possible. ❤
#raredisease #jansenswarriors #MyHero
Today was hard. Thanks everyone for your messages and prayers.
We had to call it quits. We are going to regroup and look at it another day.
Arshaan: "I'm trying my hardest not to act how I feel." And yes, we got some icecream.
And the boys shared their secret handshake when things are hard. And i caught it. So not so secret anymore.
We will get through.
Arshaan had to do a biography and I guess with Covid, he didn't have many choices... so he chose to write about me.
I have to admit.. I have been emotional lately, and this just opened the floodgates! I'm an ooey gooey mess of emotions right now.
My boy hears and sees me. He knows even with everything happening in the world right now, I'm still pushing forward for a treatment. For him and his brother, and for others walking a similar path.
He's always been such a precocious boy, and then he writes this, and I know he gets it. He gets me. And he gets the world of rare disease. And all is right once more.
#MyHero #jansenswarriors #LoveBeingMom
When we can't go see our therapist, our therapist comes to see us! 😍
#covidlife #DiariesFromaPandemic
At the Orthotics office today getting fitted for AFOs. Hopefully, in a few weeks they should be able to stand again.
The orthotist: "How many surgeries have you had little buddy?"
Jahan: "Too darn many!" 🤣
These two. 😍

Key Takeaways for the FDA from the Rare Disease Innovation Hub Meeting
Laws alone cannot create justice for little kids facing unspeakable battles. Just people alone can bring justice in the corridors and behind closed classrooms where eyes can’t see.
But not all tough conversations lead to easy answers or neatly packaged solutions. This is especially true when dealing with rare disease.
I was three years old when my father pleaded with doctors: “My daughter’s bones are bending.” His words were ignored. After years of living in the dark and countless misdiagnoses, including polio and rickets, my parents had no choice but to problem-solve on their own.
What if your child is not feeling so Brave? Why do we prize bravery as the ability not to feel afraid?
Very excited to be speaking at this amazing event!! https://t.co/9TFA0AE1dF
Thanks, friend! https://t.co/amGYvTAuBW
RT @NicholasFerroni: Dear @Target, Since you are launching a “Back to School” sale in mid July, and seem to start it earlier and earlie… https://t.co/XS45Am8Bmk
RT @RachelleM_Dixon: I am honored to be nominated for the #WEGOHealthAwards .https://t.co/p9L1zLqko8